Floor Node
This node can combine panels into a floor. You can imagine a floor as 1D array of panels. Read details in Data Structure.
Floor can be infinite of finite. A floor is infinite if it has Fill panels and its length parameter is equal to 0. In all other cases it’s finite.
- Left
Panel to be put to the left most side.
- Fill
Panel which should be used to cover all available space of the floor.
- Right
Panel to be put to the right most side.
- Height
If it’s more than 0 the height of the floor will be defined by this value otherwise the height will be determined by the highest panel in the floor.
- Length
If it’s more than 0 the length of the floor will be defined by this value. This property is useful together with using Join Floors Node.
- Scalable
It is used by Facade Node. If true the floor will take part in adopting size of facade to actual dimensions.
- Is ground
If True and the floor is created as first it will be only shown if it stands on the ground. The ground level is equal to level of the bottom vertex of bounding box of a building.
Remote panel properties
- Scalable
This properties is used to define which panels can be scaled to adjust width of the floor so it would be equal to width of the facade.
- Floor
Resulting floor