Select Input Node
This node can choose which upstream node should use downstream one.
- Input
Repeatable socket which expects any node to be connected.
- Index
Index of the input to be used. 0 index will shoos first connected input, 1 the second and so on. If there is no input for given index the index will be ignored or will be converted according to the match property.
- Match mode
It determines how handle the case when given index is grater than number of given inputs.
None: ignore indexes which grater than inputs number.
Repeat: if index is greater than number of inputs it always selects the last one.
Cycle: it returns inputs as if they are infinitely repeated. For example
inputs are given. Index 4 will selectB
because A(0) -> B(1) -> C(2) -> A(3) -> B(4)
- Input
Selected input

Pick a panel according to it index.